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How to maintain productivity during Ramadan

The holy month need not leave you listless in the work environment

Ramadan is finally here, and Muslims around the globe are abstaining from eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset. However, that is not all what Ramadan brings with it! Over the course of the holy month, Muslims also dedicate their time to family, generosity, harmony, spirituality, and according to the latest poll on, career planning and job hunting too! For professionals in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, the wonderful spirit of Ramadan is very much present in the workplace and the holy month comes with plenty of time to reflect and plan. According to the new ‘Ramadan in the Middle East and North Africa Workplace’ poll, the majority of MENA professionals 79%  agree that they plan to spend more time looking for a new job during Ramadan. With over a third of professionals believing that companies will hire more in Ramadan, the job search does not have to stop during this holy month. Even though many may be hungry and less alert without their daily coffee, the majority of respondents 63% actually  agreed that their productivity during Ramadan increases. At the same time, half of the respondents see Ramadan as an opportunity to slow down distractions and focus on their career goals. A whopping 85.3% are still fully committed to their work and do not take extra days off in comparison to the rest of the year. During Ramadan, many employees will be rejoicing the advent of shorter workdays. For those who observe the fast, we understand how hard some days during the month of Ramadan may be. However, it is equally important that you stay on top of your tasks and maintain your productivity levels at all times. If you want to make sure none of your workdays during Ramadan are ‘task-less’ or unproductive, follow these tips to help you stay motivated and productive at all times.

Keep a healthy diet 
While it is no surprise that many people in the MENA region tend to get carried away with the festivities and end up engaging in unhealthy eating habits, it is imperative to balance your diet during the holy month. Consult with a dietitian to figure out the right way to maintain a healthy eating regimen while fasting. Make sure you are eating the right types of food that will keep you energized and productive the next day. 

Exercise moderately 
We all look forward to shorter working hours during Ramadan to get back home and relax until it’s time to break the fast. But those few extra hours can be used for exercise. The human body is incredible, even when fasting; you can still have the energy to work out. Consult with a personal trainer about safe physical activity while fasting. Exercise can balance the body and give you more energy and focus.

Don’t waste time
Doing mindless activities and wasting hours in front of the television are some of Ramadan’s biggest guilty pleasures. If the hours between iftar and suhour are spent doing productive activities such as emailing and reading, getting ahead on the job search, or planning your next day’s tasks, it can help you maintain a productive mindset throughout the month.

Drink plenty of water during the night, after iftar, and at suhour so that you do not get dehydrated on the job. Severe dehydration can truly reduce your concentration and energy and can even lead to fainting while on the job. 

Plan ahead
When you wake up for suhour, or before going to bed, you can try planning the day ahead. Think about what you want to achieve and how you’re going to do it. A simple to-do list on your phone can help manage your expectations, as well as the people around you.

Must do; good to do; can wait 
Apply this method to your to-do list and try to get the most important task done first thing in the morning and before noon. By the time the clock strikes mid-day, you’ll experience a slump, which will negatively affect your productivity.

Avoid the slump
 If you happen to feel a slump coming or you become extremely hungry, drop everything and do something low energy. You can clean your desk, complete administrative work, or just rearrange your computer’s desktop or email folders. Give yourself the break you deserve and then you can finish your tasks.

 Ramadan is the month of giving back, and many companies give their employees paid time to give back to the community. Ask your employer if you can schedule some charity work during Ramadan. Doing good and working outside the office will not only help those in need but will actually make you feel more productive.(Readme)


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